
School adaptation to COVID-19

  School adaptation to Covid-19. Online education is becoming more and more popular amongst students around the world. Thanks to the pandemic we had to learn to this new way to study from home.  The rapid development of technology is too easy for us. Although many people view online courses as a secondary form of learning, they will be surprised by the benefits of online learning. There are many reasons why online classes are good for students, they can help in saving time, saving money, and a comfortable learning environment. According to NBC Universal “Y ou can study where you want and want. This allows you to better adjust your daily routines to better manage the hours of the day”. Online training can be adapted to any student's schedule. For people with children or full-time jobs. One of the advantages of online training is that students can enter the program as quickly or deliberately as they need to. For Broderick, “the students do not spend on school supplies or a...

Battlefield V Installation from Steam

  Battlefield V Installation from Steam The Battlefield saga has returned to Steam platforms after many years, many players have been very excited after this news and wanting to install the last of the saga, Battlefield V, so it is important for everyone to have the steam application installed on their computers so they can install the game and be able to play it like never before Steam App Installation If you haven’t downloaded steam app in your computer yet, open you default browser and go the steam page on the web, once you are in the Steam main page on the web, look for the Steam Desktop Installer (Staemsetup.exe). Once you have downloaded the installer, right click on it and run the .exe as administrator, then, all you have to do is to follow the instructions. Now that Steam app has been downloaded, open it and create an account (only if you don’t have an account yet).   Battlefield V Installation Now you have Steam app in your PC, open it and look for the ...

Aircrafts in Battlefield V

  Aircrafts in Battlefield V   Hi, welcome to my blog, my name is Omar Sepulveda, better known as x_WrathOfHeaven in the Battlefield community. This is a guide about the different planes that we can find in the Battlefield V video game.   Released in 2018, Battlefield V incorporated many new mechanics never seen before in previous titles, one of the most notorious being air combat, forever changing the gameplay in the aircraft combat system, making it feel more realistic and competitive. In Battlefield V we can find different types of aircraft with specific purposes and now are divided in classifications each plane now has its own configuration. Classification of aircrafts -The fighters are the main air force in Battlefield V, also are probably the aircraft with more it is the aircraft with the most action on the battlefield, since it can be used for different purposes, but being the combat with other airplanes the main purpose of this one. They are usuall...

Battlefield V Dogfight

Ahora en este blog les dare unos cuantos tips para cuando tienes enemigos detras de ti, esto es algo un tanto dificil ya que muchos pilotos tienen una gran precision al momento de disparar. Tambien dependera mucho de la configuracion de tu avion y la del avion enemigo. Algo que recomiendo mucho es que cuando tengas a un caza enemigo relativamente cerca de ti por detras gires el eje de tu avion 180° y vueles hacia abajo para tratar de perder a tu perseguidor, esto lo obligara a ir detras de ti haciendo la misma maniobra pero para esto tu ya estaras mas lejos que el. Otra maniobra que te recomiendo mucho usando el paquete de altitud, el cual, te permitira elebar tu avion 200 metros mas arriba que el de tu perseguidor, es la de llevar a tu perseguidor hasta su limite de altitud ya que esto hara que su avion quede atorado o suspendido en el aire por unos segundos, al suceder esto podra ser tu oportunidad de dar la vuelta y atacar al enemigo completamente inmobil utilizando la ventaja de po...

Battlefield V Dogfight

Hola amigos! Mi nombre es Omar Sepulveda, conocido como Behemotherion en la comunidad de Battlefield V en PlayStation 4. Hoy vengo a traerles unos cuantos tips, asi como un enlace directo a mi canal de youtube en el cual podran ver unos cuantos de mis formas de vuelo en Battlefield Primero que nada, lo mas recomendado de mi parte es no volar muy bajo, siempre volar a alturas por encima de los aviones enemigos y ocultarte en lo alto para que cuando tengas la oportunidad puedas caer de picada y atacarlos desde arriba, quitandoles las posibilidad de poder defenderse con tu ataque sorpresa. Al momento de que estes bajando en picada hacia ellos es muy recomendable que empieces a disparar cuando creas que estas en una distancia considerablemente cerca y continuar disparando mientras te vas colocando detras de ellos y no perderlos de vista por ningun motivo. Tambien es muy recomendable que no los sigas a la base enemiga puesto que hay posibilidad de que cuenten con antiaereos que los estaran ...